
Scary Maze! You have defied the Scary Maze Game?

It is probably safe to bet that everyone has heard of the infamous Scary Maze Game. Surely, with such popularity and the swarm of viral video, this feeling of fear is to have every surface on the computer screen in America. Or has it?

The number of Scary Maze Game Video with the reactions of horror unsuspecting victims of this play bone chilling, do not appear to be declining. In reality, there are also new and more terrifying version of the Scary Maze Game available in those days. So what is the Scary Maze Game?

Fear is a maze game in flash masterpiece that has the amazing ability to capture your attention, keeping you distracted at the same time. There is only one rule. Do not touch the walls. Very often, unsuspecting players were challenged by a friend to surf a little red dot through the "labyrinth of fear." Having told that only few can make it past the four-level maze, ego take control and grab the mouse. After all, this maze that does not look worrying.

The aspect of the game is fairly harmless. Usually a crude maze of blocks and a simple red dot. The non-threatening appearance of the Scary Maze Game is part of his genius. Level one looks so ridiculously easy, most are committed only to placate the person who challenged them. After easily defeating a level, a small path appears level and two starts. Fairly quickly, the player two defeat level.

Then things start to get sensitive. Level three is a much smaller path to navigate, and the unsuspecting participant more often Scoot closer to the screen and start to focus. Many people will actually hit a wall at this level. At which time, the scary maze game simply starts over at level one. This has been known to happen many times on three levels. This becomes increasingly frustrating for the player, which is now completely drawn in. They often demand complete silence, as they are now more than ever determined to beat the fear maze.

Four to reach the level, the player is faced with a close look and what path it is impossible to navigate. They took the mouse hand closely in order to avoid unnecessary movements and leave. Unfortunately, this phase of the game scary maze is designed to be impossible. The player has hit a wall. This is inevitable. Trust me. It will happen. When the time comes we have all been waiting.

A horribly grotesque picture, usually that of Linda Blair, as has appeared in the film "The Exorcist", appears suddenly and unexpectedly. This probably one of the faces Scariest of all time, would be enough to send most running out of the room. But the fear maze game takes a step further with the addition of a toe curling, bone chilling scream that is quick to remind you how powerful your computer speakers actually are.

Common reactions are screaming, jumping, falling off the chair or all of the above. The whole situation is usually recorded by deviously be one that has challenged the innocent victim in the first place. Usually not long before the video is the way the world wide web. Often shamelessly hilarious, the videos go viral and inadvertently further the popularity of the scary maze game.

Feeling brave? Fear labyrinth is almost everywhere on the network. You can always try for yourself. Make sure nobody is recording!

Play The Scary Maze Game!

Scary Maze

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Thomas_Shea

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