
Age of Conan Board Game

Not long ago Fantasy Flight Games has announced that their long-awaited Age of Conan-table games are now available and should be oriented towards the shops, at the time of writing. The game was announced for a lot 'of time and should really be published last year, but that was not to go.

It should now be good enough and the long wait for us to Age of Conan-geek is over. The usual top-style Fantasy Flight Games are played seem to be hyper-elegant product, including a large amount of plastic shapes (over 168 points!) As usual, excellent design and quality.

The basic mechanisms of the game was taken from another board game Fantasy Flight hits, Tolkien-game war of the Ring, but - E 'un po' have changed. According to Fantasy Flight Games' game designer blog, where they were able to follow the development of the game, the game mechanics designed to capture the essence of Robert E. Howard stories and give the feeling of Conan universe, while it should include both strategy and adventure.

If we want the (very excited) sneak-peak on-line reviews, and to maintain the reality thorns, and the rules should design a good cocktail, and then there is reason to be excited. I am happy as a child at Christmas and New Year can not wait to get their hands on a version of your Age of Conan board game.

Age of Conan was created by game designer Francesco Nepitello, Marco Maggi and Roberto Di Meglio, and the Italian company Nexus Games, in partnership with Fantasy Flight Games, as the Italians are increasingly not just the pizza makers.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mads_Vangsoe

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