Space Invaders is a very old game. It has remained popular despite being released more than thirty years ago. It is still at the top arcade game of all time. It is unlikely that his status will be diminished in the near future.
Space Invaders for iPhone looks like the classic game of a match. This is a point more about the players retro. Other games such as Pac-Man and Tetris have been updates to make it suitable for mobile gaming. However, Space Invaders has not deviated from its original way. As a player, there is no possibility of saving the game. This means that you can progress far in the game only if prepared to abandon everything else. The level of difficulty is fairly hard and the need for some adjustments and improved controls.
What is Space Invaders on all? Do you have a laser on the bottom of the screen. The aliens are out for you and can be found in the center of the screen. They advance slowly on you and your job is to make the laser and foreigners meet. Once these creatures are shot and devastated, the remaining creatures increase their speed and killing them becomes difficult. Effects of the game, at this stage, we will give an adrenaline rush that you can never forget. Together with the increase of speed, aliens start firing at you, and are forced to take cover in bunkers. However, this can not be done for as long as the bunkers were soon erased by foreign cooking.
After the completion of a level, you enter the next level, which is somewhat 'more difficult than the previous one. The true indicator of its success or failure of Space Invaders, as most of the early arcade games, is your customer. This game can be, at least in theory, played indefinitely. The lack of a leader have on your online gaming skills is a disadvantage. What's the fun in scoring a great deal if you can not spread the word among others? Space Invaders is extremely challenging, but it can quickly become monotonous.
It should be noted that there is an area where Space Invaders is not changed even a little '. The graphics and sound department is virtually the same as was used in the arcade version. Except for the possibility of an explosion of colors for the foreign backgrounds and updated, everything else remains the same. If you hope to scare your girlfriend with aliens, it's a disappointment. The foreign and bats and crabs are not even remotely scary. If you have played this game before, and the BLEEP bloop sounds bring back fond memories.
The game controls include the classic control option, the option of controlling touch screen and accelerometer controls. In the first, you have a screen on the joystick to control the laser. The second is the less functional, while the last is the coolest one of all.
After playing Retro Game Challenge on DS, it is more difficult for me to get excited about these straight ports of classic games, in particular the current price. While there is nothing inherently wrong with it, like most of the players need to know exactly what to expect in the course, I'd like to see some form of additional content added to these games at least make them only slightly from the scores of other exits have emerged over the years. It is a little 'to do conceptual art, but that's all. Still, if you need a little 'Space Invaders action in motion, it can meet this requirement.
Final score: 6 out of 10
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