In the red corner, issued May 26 2009, an exclusive Playstation 3 title, and the fight against the machine lean mean MacGrath Cole, Infamous! And in the blue corner, issued June 9 2009, a game for all platforms, and it is known as shape shifting protagonist Alex Mercer, Prototype! These two games are very similar in style, history, and even time. But what is the best? Prototype will be the fast in your face action game? Or will Infamous, with its strategy and the texture that is second to none? Two enter, only one will emerge the winner. Who will?
Synopsis / Description
Prototype - Prototype is a game based in the near future. The story begins with Alex Mercer (the reader) to be cut by two scientists. Just before you open the scientists cut and choose your interior, your character suddenly wakes up. Were then chased outside, where they shot several times. Alex is stunned, but not for the count. He manages to escape with little to no damage thanks to its ability to regenerate new found. The player is then called Alex who has amnesia and can not remember anything of his past, or who he is. That the right of the people, you guessed, you now have to spend the whole game to see who is Alex Mercer, and seeking revenge for those who made him the horrible creature he is. Along the way you will be given weapons and different ways to kill and destroy things, ranging from a little 'as the extension arm of Mr. Fantastic, to steal a poor and miserable soldier assault rifle, and use to kill all his friends, soldiers. If will also be given the chance to "consume" an enemy, which plays an important role in the games. Consume appears in almost everything you do, you consume in order to know the past, that ratio is to deceive the enemy, and that ratio is to get health back quickly, almost everything. This can become a little 'boring, but the massive amount of ways to consume enemies always keeps stale. Army and the infected are your main enemies throughout the game, you can choose to contribute to one or more of the other, but both will attack on sight.
Infamous - Infamous occurs once again in the near future world. This story begins, however, as soon as you press the play button. Your background immediately explode with what looks like an EMP shockwave, leaving the reader bewildered and confused. Cole is your main MacGrath boy in this adventure. It begins with you waking up in the middle of the city destroyed, your friend Zeke immediately call you and inform you that you need to escape from the chaos of a city you're in. While running away you realize you have superpowers (who would have imagined?) and not know exactly how you have them. Once you make the bridge that leads to the next town, the sky will be rain with lightning, and all the neighbors of police and civilians will be killed. Once you make it across the bridge, with Cole conveniently go away. It will then give you a comic book-style presentation that explains what exactly happened. Your main objective is to kill the people who caused the destruction of your city, leave the city (which is on the block after the first mission), and either save or destroy the cities along the route. Cole has the power of electricity, which allows him to do virtually anything it needs. Kill, fly, heal, destroy, is the name; Cole can do so by using its electric power. Along the way you fight up to three different types of enemies. Your first will be the reapers, a ragtag group of criminals who come in large groups, but are easily destroyed. Next is the dustman, a group of homeless people, who band together after the explosion, in order to take the district in which they live. Ultimately, it will be the first Children, an ancient fraternal organization, which are the strongest and most persistent group of opponents.
Side Missions
Infamous - In Infamous will be given the opportunity to do various side missions along the road. As you do these side missions, the city will be clear of any bad ones, and you can walk freely without the shock. The missions consist of doing something to kill your basic missions to pose for photos of a local photographer. Even if every part of the mission is repeated 2-3 times throughout the game, the large number of different missions of randomness and mission to maintain the fun and interesting. There are jobs specific to your level of karma (good or bad) that will be displayed. Good job generally requires the police to help get rid of bad and in a clean and legal way only, while the choice of evil missions usually involves a massive amount of blood normally required of citizens. These jobs at the level of karma help your swing in one way or another, you unlock more upgrades for your abilities. However, there is a downside of missions once they are complete, the area is clean, good. Meaning if you finish all the side missions, there will be no more enemies for you to play around with.
Prototype - The complex plot of the prototype, it is difficult to see where the side missions that come into play in the life of Alex Mercer, Radical Entertainment and will not attempt to explain how you fit in. The side missions in general are used Prototype to earn extra experience points, which are the main way to update your skills (to eat). However, the experience of the main duties and the amount of experience is acquired in a random way to kill is sufficient to obtain 90% of the capacity you need and want, more for them to do some 'away from main plot or just have some 'fun. Missions come in three forms, the first and most random is your standard race missions. Arrive at a checkpoint, checkpoint B, C checkpoint, and so over time, as fast as you arrive, you get more experience. Your second and more pleasant will be the kill missions. Most will give you a range of power, and let you run Amuck kill as many enemies as possible, the more you kill, you gain more experience. The last type of mission will consume your missions, which begin to consume scored army personnel. You will then be asked to eat X number of people. Do everything correctly and the time given, and get a nice piece of experience. Although these missions are fun and a good break in the main plot, they will get old fast. And for those overachievers, Prototype tells you how many there are more side missions to complete, so if you're like me, you want to finish just to say you have made.
For those who do not know, when someone mentions the word "sandbox" in a video game, refers to the ability of free reign and do what you want. Well some games like Call of Duty are extremely linear, others like Grand Theft Auto you can explore freely and do as you like. Both Prototype and Infamous are set in a sandbox-style game, which means that you choose when you want to do the missions, and how many side missions you want to do.
Prototype - Prototype is a very good job of allowing the player to feel as they are in control of the city. The city has expanded and is drawn to look exactly like Manhattan. Alex was able to climb up buildings very easily, and go out of buildings and fly to the next with his "Glide" ability. This makes it fun just running around the city itself. As well, because the game does not have moral obligations to be good or bad, you have the ability to kill those who want whenever you want. And with the abundance of civilians evident around every turn, you will find yourself pulling off one of his many weapons and to move closer to the city of patch-throughs. This part of the game (unlike almost every other aspect) does not seem to get old, I enjoyed running in the middle of a military base and fight for a good five minutes before flying away. I have to give up serious Radical Entertainment for the work that was put into style sandbox game.
Infamous-While his (Alex Mercer) can run up walls with no problems at all, Cole has to literally climb buildings. He will take on windows, eaves, wires, dents, scratches and buildings in order to reach the top. This can make the free roaming ability somewhat 'more tedious and slow pace, but it gives a good challenge on these buildings, which have to climb a few notches. As mentioned earlier, the side missions will put a serious cramp in your style if you choose to end all. Once they are all complete, will be left with civilians. If you choose the path of evil and choose evil, finally, there is no problem with that, though, if they are good, you run out of things to shoot, and fast. Once and a while 'a few enemies appear in the content areas, but the civilians with the few remaining members of the police usually take before you can even get a shot off. More likely to end up turning bad, or start a new game to keep the fun.
End result?
Both Prototype and Infamous are very well-developed games, so it is worth buying. If you choose one, and you have a PS3, go with Infamous. Its upper story and the ability to keep you entertained an extreme. However, if there are more sporadic for a player who usually does not finish games, the prototype may be your game.
Infamous --
• Amazing storyline that is interesting and captivating
• Simple and fun, easy to pick up and play
• Enjoyable side-missions
• Karma decisions, different storyline, skills, and ends
• Fairly short if played straight through
• Climbing the game can slow down and hinder
• The enemies are very difficult to kill
• Complete side missions player can cause the execution of enemies to fight
Prototypes --
• Entertainment sandbox mode
• Many different weapons and abilities to choose from
• Movement of travel and 'easy and simple
• Map / layout fits exactly in Manhattan, and looks well made
• confusing and complicated plot
• Fairly easy, even on hard difficulty
• repetitive tasks
• repetitive actions
Overall Prototype 4 / 5
Infamous as a whole gets a 4.5 / 5
Kii Kasten is a Freshman at Ripon college studying Political Science. When not studying he enjoys video games on all platforms, and has begun to focus on free-lance writing reviews of video games. If you have questions or comments about the review or the author, please e-mail him
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