
Is Your Kid a Video Game Junkie?

Parents have long suspected their children are employees of the new games have science on their side.

A new study conducted by researchers at Iowa State University found "pathological model" of game use in their study of young people ages 8 to 18.

The study used a Harris Poll of game habits among young people. The survey found that almost one in 10 players involved in video game too, and that the games were having an adverse effect on their school and home life.

Take one ex-employee you can become addicted to video games as easily as you can get so-called dependent adult vices. Here's where you use the word addiction or clinical researcher phrase "pathological use" of a substance, a thing or habit.

So parents, do not hesitate to call the baby out with the obsession with these games an addiction.

The employees did not work for videogames, but I was an employee of cigarettes, and too Booze. And, yes, those dependencies caused great harm to my health, relationships and family life.

Sure, video games are not as physically dangerous as smoking, alcoholism and obesity that comes with chronic too. But any dependency is dangerous if it causes damage. When it comes to addiction, is not just a game.

Then ask yourself: Your child employees in these games? It is he or she an addict? Then ask yourself the following questions: What to do about it?

As a parent, you can control the time your child spends playing video games. You can remove videos from your home players. You can control your child to ensure the use of the computer he or she is not on your laptop to play too many video games.

You can do your work, including visiting web sites like www.video-game-addiction.org for resources to help you recognize video game addiction.

You can get with your boy and frank use the word "addiction".

Employees of a time it was Booze, cigarettes and too much. I help, and exit. An addiction is an addiction.

If your child is a video game junkie, you and your child can help, too.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Linda_Joy_Allan

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