
Hellgate: London Multiplayer

Hellgate: London was designed to be primarily focused on solo and cooperative PvE combat, but players can duel and there is a free-

for-all PvP Mode for subscribers. Dueling can only take place outside of Underground hubs. Players can also choose to enter into

PvP mode, which means they can be attacked and harmed outside of Underground hubs by anyone else that has chosen to enter PvP

mode. That is, those in PvP mode, must always be ready for PvP. This is a way to have wide-ranging free-for-alls, or create a

“friendly-fire” way of playing the game. In multiplayer mode, players can meet and organize for team play and quests in safe

zones - the old Underground stations, protected by the Freemasons' wards. The world will not be split in "shards" or servers, but

rather play like a massively multiplayer online game with heavy instancing, such as Guild Wars. Every character is capable of soloing

the entire game. Grouping with other players is optional, though grouping will bring benefits in terms of experience gain and items.

As the number of players within an instance increase, the difficulty of the instance increases. The game does not feature LAN support.

Servers and regional support

Ping0 manages the US and EU regional servers for Hellgate: London, while IAHgames manages the SEA regional server along with the game support and user forums for SEA region players.

Hellgate: London was launched on 31st October (Singapore time) for the SEA region. IAHGames is the company distributing the game and hosting the regional server. From its launch from 31st October, IAHGames has received complaints for not being able to implement patch 0 in a timely fashion.

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